Sunday 20 May 2012

Something Old, But Something New

I have been trying to find a way to update this blog with more new material, but while struggling at the same time with not having time to travel constantly in search of new material.  After so many of you waiting patiently for new content, and a few of you nagging me incessantly, here is the story of an Oregon trip from September 2008. These will be posted over the next few days.

In September of that year I took a road trip to Oregon for a week. I needed it to try and clear out some of the cobwebs that build up in my life. It happens occasionally if I don’t take time to look after myself. I guess we all have these things happen. Some of us can talk to our friends or spouses, or more formal mental health professionals, but at that time I always felt greater value in getting to spend time alone, and away. I like to get inside my own head and think, ponder, wonder, and ruminate. Road trips alone are great for that.
Legal Stuff: All music, lyrics, and artists mentioned in this article are the property of their respective copyright holders and are used without permission but under fair use guidelines. All images are copyright to me, and may not be used for any purpose without written permission. Yes Virginia, somewhere in there is a contradiction.
Now, get your favourite beverage, relax, and enjoy.


P.S. Stay tuned because in September 2012 I will be back on the road for most of the month on a trip to Key West Florida and back. You can look forward to tales from the Dry Tortugas, Pensacola, maybe Cape Canaveral, New Orleans, Memphis, St Louis, and Chicago. There might be a side trip to Mt Rushmore. Along with road food, beer, music, roadside motels, and my usual serendipitous adventures, blogging will be involved!


Prologue – Late August 2008

I was rushing headlong  for two weeks’ vacation and no real clue of what to do with it. Amorphous ideas of returning to Seattle, a long-time favourite of mine, toyed at the edge of my mind. That is until a co-worker   spoke of a “...big wooden plane” she and her family had visited somewhere just outside Portland.
“The Spruce Goose?” I asked.
“That's it!”
I had heard the plane had moved from its original home in Long Beach California. I had often wanted to see the plane but Long Beach was not enough of a draw to get me there. So a couple of quick Google's later I had found the “Goose” at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon. That's about 40 miles southwest of Portland.
Out came a map of Washington/Oregon/California, and as always when I open a map I saw places I had never been, or had only heard of, but instantly wanted to explore. I thought I had the time now so why not look around. Family responsibility was going to be reduced. My ageing but still very independent mother would be on her own trip to England for a month, and as always there was nothing, and no one else, to hold me in town.

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