Sunday 18 September 2011

Beachwalk Breakfast, Nothing All Day, Cook It Yourself Dinner, A Walk Along The Beach, Ice Cream, A Really Fun Movie

Another sunny sunrise. It's getting monotonous. NOT!!!!
Breakfast is once again at the Cheeseburger Beachwalk around the corner from the hotel. It's up one level in the almost Waikiki Beachwalk development.
As I mentioned they do a decent breakfast. Eggs, bacon, or sausage, toast etc, for around $10. That's essentially half what I would pay at the hotel in far less fun surroundings. The food is decent though they have a habit of overcooking the hash browns. This morning I try the Portugese sausage with my poached eggs, and it's spiced just right.
While I eat I admire the surroundings. I enjoy places like this because of a visual cornucopia of items that can keep you occupied while eating.

And did I mention the grass skirts on all the staff members?

A big thanks to Joe for posing for me. As I walked back to the hotel it started to rain. Not hard but enough that I need to change shirts when I get back to the room. The rain here is warm, you can walk upright in it, and be content in knowing it's not going to last long. Not like at home where if it starts to rain you never know when it's going to stop. Could be days, or weeks, or in the darkest of winter it could be a month or so.
I spend the rest of the day reading, drinking Kona Longboards, and napping. I totally ignore lunch in favour of the large dinner I know I'm going to have at The Shore Bird.
Located beachside in the Outrigger Reef Hotel (formerly known many years ago as the Cinerama Reef Hotel), the Shore Bird is unique in that whatever you order meat wise you have to cook it yourself. It also has an all you can eat salad bar. The decor doesn't appear to have changed since I was last here in 1991. The beachside ambiance and view make it one of the best places to eat.
So I sit down, have a nice beer, order a 3/4 pound New York steak with a fully loaded baked potato and hit the salad bar while waiting for the meat to be delivered to my table. I'm most of the way through my salad when it arrives and I head over to the communal grill to give it 6 1/2 minutes each side to get it done medium.
It's all I can do to finish the steak, the baked potato (which is about half again the size of your average softball), and the salad. I have a second beer, and feel so bloated I can barely stand. A large group of locals are having a family get together at some nearby tables and it's fun to watch. They chat, try to maneuver seats so that favorites can sit next to favourites, and there's even a kid's table with grandpa there to watch over them, sternly but with love and humour in his eye. For me it's always a reinforcement of life to see families having fun in large groups. It's one of those universal human behaviours that convinces me that no matter where I go, we are all the same. I watch them for a while and then try and stand. It's an effort, so I decide to get some exercise and walk back to my hotel along the beach.
Another great sunset is coming and there always people on the beach to watch.

I slowly stroll along, stopping every so often to listen to the surf and the soft wind, and to take some shots of Diamond Head and the beach.
I decide since I have totally blown my diet this week that I'm going to indulge in something I rarely eat, Chocolate Ice Cream. In a marketing no-brainer there is a Baskin Robbins in the hotel right next to the kids pool. I get a single scoop to go and take it up to my room to watch the last of the sunset.
I order up another movie. Believe me it's cheaper to order it in the room that it is to go to a theater. The nearest one is a couple of miles away at Ward Centre. By the time you add up transport (even if it's The Bus), the entry ticket, popcorn and a drink you're over $20. The hotel movies are delivered on demand, in HD, and for a cost that's between $4.99 and $18.
Tonight's feature is Larry Crowne with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. It's fun, and I even find myself laughing out loud at some of the lines. After the movie it's straight to sleep, and a straight through night's sleep it is.

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