Thursday 15 September 2011

Breakfast With Doves, Don't Wanna Do No Nuttin' T'day, Talking To Turtles, Cocktail Reception, The Tasteful Hawaiian Shirt

I'm running a day behind. In spite of doin' nuttin' yesterday, but somehow I think that may be the point!

Every couple of days I have breakfast at a place called Cheeseburger Beachwalk a block or so west of the hotel. I like this place. It's full of Hawaiian kitsch stuff, and all the servers wear grass skirts. Even the guys. I can't make this stuff up, and maybe I'll get a couple of pictures next time out. One of the things that endear me to this place besides the great taste in tropical decor, is the doves, or pigeons, (who can tell the difference?) that run around the restaurant. The just waltz in from the outside patio and wander around on the floor. I don't know what they come for the place is pretty spotless. Nevertheless they are here, it's cute, and not every breakfast place can claim live doves, or pigeons, for a candid floor show.
After breakfast I am anxious, well not really anxious, to begin my day. I can't think of anything to do despite still having the rental car parked in the hotel garage. So I type up the "round the island adventure", and post it.
Now what? I sit out on the lanai and have a little chat with myself about being useless today. Well, not a chat out loud kind of chat, the Japanese couple next door already think I'm strange. I can tell because every time I go outside on the lanai they run inside to hide. I promise you that I'm not doing anything strange, really, other than muttering "turtle, every time I see one surface.
So I sit, and eventually, start to flesh out a couple of story outlines, writing down the general plot line, a couple lines of dialogue, and the general ending. By now it's lunch'ish time. So I plod off to Maui Taco, feeling generally mentally disjointed. Living with story voices and ideas in your head can mis-direct you a time or two. So I get a two soft taco combo (includes refried beans and Spanish type rice) to go, take it back to my room and serve it up with a couple of Kona Longboards. Yeah, I know who needs that much detail in a blog, but it's my blog and I have to fill it with something?
Sitting back out in the sun with my legs under a towel because that sunburn on my left thigh and kneecap is starting to be bothersome, slathered in sun block, and contemplating just what would a turtle say to a severely drunken man he found floating in the water, I realise that there is more than one turtle in my neighbourhood. Within ten minutes I see three, and maybe four, surfacing at different times and in different places.
Wait, you think that I'm the severely drunken man talking to the turtle don't you? Hah!!!! It's part of a story outline and by now it's nearly three thirty and I've been drinking root beer most of the afternoon. I'm saving my drunken escapades for the cocktail reception later.
And I am nearly really late to that because I took a nap and forgot how much the sun can make you sleepy.
I arrive on the 30th floor, receive a beautiful purple flower lei that smells devine. I get a large glass of mineral water, Pellegrino over ice for those of you who know the difference, with a nice wedge of lime. I move around the room checking out the view, and taking a couple of snaps.

After a Pellegrino refill I choose a quiet table for two, since they don't have tables for one. Quiet contemporary Hawaiian music comes through the sound system and a single Hula dancer practices her art at the front of the room. I sip the Pellegrino, admire the view, look for some of the hotels I have stayed at before, and develop a quiet appreciation for the Leahi Lounge. Eventually the lounge manager comes over and we have a nice twenty minute conversation about the hotel, how much I enjoy my stays here, and the art of customer service. I ask how I got invited and she figures it's because I am a repeat customer, a long stay customer, and a member of the rewards program. Does that make a Trifecta? I enjoy myself a lot.
After that I am still tired from my earlier nap. I know it sounds strange but I'm beginning to actually relax now after almost a week of being here. And that means burning off the built up stresses of the past couple of years.
And nobody commented on the shirt, so I 'm thinking that since nobody looked at in disgust or looked away uncomfortably it might actually be tasteful. What do you think?
Oh please, you don't think an anonymous blogger is actually going to show his face do you? And no blockhead jokes either, after all I'm on the road with limited software support.
After a room service pizza, a couple more Kona Longboards, and some star gazing, it's off to a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! You've got to leave Hawaii! You're getting so relaxed, you're pixelating!

    Don't doves coo? Oh wait, so do pigeons. Oh well.

    What kind of cocktail lounge did you go to? All you say you drank was mineral water!
