Saturday 17 September 2011

A Low Key Day, Dialogue Problems, More Wings, Visiting A Bar Planning To Kill A Fictional Someone, Hanna, Night Thoughts

I took a really low key day. I wanted it slow and easy, a day to just read and drink, and stare, with a side of intellectual freedom.
I took breakfast to go in the form of a bacon, cheese, and egg scramble croissant from the Paradise Cafe located in the Pa'ina Lanai food court of the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Centre. I prefer their breakfast burrito but I was looking for a change.

I ate on my room lanai with a cup of Awake tea from my room stash. After breakfast I churn out the Pacific Aviation Museum post and then retire to the lanai to finish a book. I'm behind in my reading.
Around 12:30 I need a change of scenery so I head over to Buffet's At the Beachcomber for Waimea wings and a couple of Landsharks. On the way I pass a mini-van with this sticker in the window.

I have to admit I've never seen one like this before. A lot of negative ones, and even some outright nasty ones, but never one so positive and upbeat, and frankly so suspicious looking. Almost as if the public outing of affection is some kind of atonement for a sin either real or imagined. My pessimistic side is coming out again.
I figure it's safe to start drinking because it's 5:30 in Kansas City. The server, Dana, never seems to leave the place but her enthusiasm for work and fun chats always leaves you smiling. I get to drink great beer and we chat about my home. I explain about the weather phenomenon we call "The Pineapple Express". She's never heard of it, and I can't blame her. After all who cares where the weather goes after it leaves your neighbourhood? For those of you who have never heard of it, "The Pineapple Express" starts in November just north of the Hawaiian Islands, and the the jet stream points the warm and wet cloud masses straight to the Pacific Northwest. It's how we manage such mild winters compared to the rest of Canada and the northern United States. So after an hour or so I wander back to my room for a nap. I pass that mini-van again but on the opposite side I see this sticker.

I figure either the feeling at the heart of these stickers is mutual, which I substantially and wholeheartedly applaud, or the sin that brought it about is mutual, in which case I can only feel a bit confused. Maybe my subconscious will sort it out during my nap.
After my lengthy nap I head back out to the lanai to stare at the water and to work out some dialogue issues with the turtle story. My friends the turtles are of no help today, for despite sitting out for over two hours I don't see any of them. Just one of those unspoken parts of life that comes along every so often, that when you really need a certain friend to help they aren't there. I never do fully solve the dialogue problem.
Instead I turn my attention to another fictional problem I am encountering in another story. How to kill someone at the bar out by the pool and get away without being stopped. Notice I said stopped not caught, for that's a plot device that happens much later in the story.
There is only one way to realistically sort this out so I wander down to The Edge bar with my notebook at hand.

Bellying up to the bar (substantial bellying in my case), I sit down and contemplate surroundings, opportunity, natural cover, potential avenues of access/egress, potential for noise cover, and a hundred other things.

As I take notes I shoot some pictures, stare at the sunset, drink a couple of Kauai Golden Ales, and slurp down a juicy and messy Fire Grilled BBQ Burger. In the end I figure this location has too many limitations, even in a fictional world, for what I need. Oh well, there are few more beachfront bars to investigate over the next few days.
Around 7 I head back to the room to give my brain a vacation. I pop open a Kona Longboard and order up a movie on the hotel PPV. I choose "Hanna", a movie about a 16 year old trained to be an assassin by her father, and their trials and tribulations going after the people who forced them into exile in the wooded wilderness of northern Finland. I enjoy the movie a lot. It has a full European cinematic tone and flavour, the music is beautifully interwoven with the sound effects, and the range of color saturation varies with the location and intent of the scene. Most of all the story holds together to make it seem not real, but implausibly plausible. In other words, great fiction.
I wake up around 3:30 to the quiet surf and the hum of the refrigerator. The surf has hit a resonant pitch in my sleeping mind and has provoked a memory of the beginning of a Jimmy Buffet song called The Coast Of Marseilles**. Opening with a soft slow surf, and the quiet musing of a mouth organ he sings,
"I sat there on the coast of Marseilles, My thoughts came by like wind through my hand..."
And after rolling through the lyrics a few times in my head, and a lot of other random thoughts falling through into the mental cracks, I fall back to sleep like a baby. The sound of the surf is unchanged, and unapologetic for the substantially slight disturbance.

** Note: lyrics used without permission. I hope he'll forgive me but I only have one follower, and about a dozen unidentified viewers/readers. Besides, head on over to i-Tunes and download the full song, or as I would suggest, with great gusto, to download the entire Son Of A Son Of A Sailor album. It has been one of my favourite albums since I first heard it in late 1978.

1 comment:

  1. hah! you are such a cynic!

    Despite that, you have pleasant commentary about the social world around you.
