Tuesday 20 September 2011

Hurry Up And Be Homeless, Should Have Done The Research, An Afternoon Of Eating Too Much, A New Hotel, 2 Broke Girls, Hawaii 5-0

I had to check out of the Sheraton Waikiki. No they didn`t throw me out for the all night parties, it was simply they ran out of room for me. A few weeks back when I booked my trip I was only going to be here until the 19th. Then a much loved friend had some words with me about why didn`t I stay longer. Actually she used some stronger words implying my mental capacity was somewhat limited, but she was totally right as she often is when it comes to my world. So I rebooked the flight home for a week later and then tried to extend the hotel stay. The hotel was full. They had nothing in what I wanted. No more room at the inn. So I found a semi oceanfront room down the street at the Moana Surfrider.
Now the Moana Surfrider is the Grandest of Grand Dames hotels here. It`s the oldest hotel on Waikiki, first opening it`s doors in 1901. For those of you who are math deficient that`s a seriously long time ago in hotel years. It`s also expensive.
But I digress. After pounding out yesterdays post I threw everything in my bags and departed. I left the bags with the Bell Desk and wandered off to find something to do for four hours. I figured to waste an hour at Starbucks reading, then walk the two blocks to the Army Museum at Fort DeRussy and stick my head in there for a couple of hours and then grab a beer, and then check into the new place.
The Starbucks thing I pulled off flawlessly. No problems at all. Feeling all full of tea and good reading I made my to the Museum. It was closed. Big sign on the door is quite clear that it`s closed Sunday and Monday. Dang it! If I had only done my research. Rather than stand there and cry, an activity sure to raise suspicions as to my mental state, I decided to do a full tour of the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Centre. This place is huge. I may not have given you the true scale of the place but it`s three stories high and two blocks long. There are all kinds of stores in there. A Harley Davidson store where you can buy all sorts of branded merchandise, a shop that sells nothing but baseball caps, Bob`s Ukulele shop where I saw a lot of handcrafted ukuleles with some going for over $600! There are fashion outlets, most of them high end, some not so high end souvenir stores (one of which had all kinds of law enforcement and emergency services badges and handcuffs), a quilt shop, the food court where I often eat breakfast, and well you get the idea. It`s big and open air so you are in and out of air conditioning so it`s quite comfortable. I spent some time in Tricked Out Accessories looking at i-phone cases. The guys in there were lot of fun to talk to and really knew their products. It`s always a pleasure to talk with friendly and knowledgeable people.
So after an hour of wandering through there I have had enough. I head across the street to Buffett`s for a beer and some lunch. Justin is again behind the bar and we talk waves and beaches, and travel (it`s the stuff you don`t plan that`s the most memorable), and I eat a great cheeseburger with onion rings,a dn drink more beer. I also get the chance meet Kepe. He`s a manager now. Two years ago when I first discovered this bar he was the first person that served me. His friendly banter and laughter inspired me to return over and over again on my last trip. Kepe asks if I want to try some new chicken wings they are thinking of putting on the menu. Even though I had just eaten what he described to me sounded great, so I downed a plate of them. I really hope they put them on the menu because they were another memorable experience. As I ate the wings I was reminded of how it`s the people that make you want to return to a place. You could have the best food in the world (a shout out here for Waimea Wings) but the human element makes the product better, and truly memorable. And that`s the way it`s been for me and Buffett`s. Kepe and the two Mike`s on my last trip, Justin, Dana, Keone, and Kepe this trip. It`s a very special talent to make a stranger feel at home, and these folks have it.
Feeling bloated and sleepy, I walk slowly back to the Sheraton to pick up my bags to walk them down the street to the Moana Surfrider. When I get to the room the first thing I do is take a picture of the new view because I know how much you all are going to want to see it.

I lay down to take a nap but sleep won't come so I read for a while until I nod off. That much food and beer can really have a effect on a person and I don`t even think of going out for dinner. Instead I walk across Kalakaua Avenue to an ABC store for beer, and some milk for tea, to stock up the room fridge.
It`s going to be a TV night. The season premiere of Hawaii 5-0 is on and I`ve been looking forward to this all summer. Before it comes on the series premiere of a new show call 2 Broke Girls comes on and I find myself laughing out loud at it`s humour. So it`s a night of beer, and laughs, and 5-0 and good sleep.

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