Monday 12 September 2011

No Plans, Capitalist Tendencies, A Surfing Dog, A Generic Dinner

I woke up late in the morning, around 8:30. No plans in my mind, nowhere to be, nothing to actually do. And with all that nothing in my mind I opened the curtains to another glorious sunny warm day. Just the right amount of cloud, just the right amount of warmth, just the right kind of sailing ship off the coast. A big sailing ship, with multiple masts, a lot of rigging and spars, and a sight that would not have been out of place on the first day the Europeans landed.
So I watch that for a while while I contemplate what to do with my beach bum day. Well, not actually being a beach bum made that a short set of thoughts so I opted to head out to the Ala Moana Centre again. I have forgotten my circular polarizing filters at home, and to properly shoot anything in sunlight you should have CP filters to block out glare, darken colours and get rid of unwanted reflections. Ritz Camera has one of the filters I need but they don't have a 37mm. So I take what I can get and get a 37mm haze/uv filter to try and control some of the problem.
I wander up to the the third level and without really meaning to, or conciously remembering why, I walk into a large Hallmark store. They have all sorts of nick nacks and I'm sure if I ask they could even find a paddywhack or two. I 'm not quite sure what a paddywhack is or was, what it does, or why I'd want one?
Instead I buy a few of the Hallmark Keepsake ornaments to add to my collection. Way back when they first started to sell them my late mother bought my brothers and I a first edition Star Trek Enterprise Keepsake. I mention this to a wonderful sale's clerk with a full South Carolina accent and she asks if I want to sell it? I say no but do ask how much they go for, and she names a bid figure of a guy on e-bay of several thousand dollars. I think my mother's gift is priceless and it will stay in it's box for a bit longer despite the temptation to sell it and retire early.
I walk out of there a few peso's lighter and wander further down the mall to a place called Hot Topic, buy a couple of non-Hawaiian themed t-shirts, and an hour later of looking and poking around I walk back to the hotel.
Dropping my purchases on the bed I hear some unusual noise from the patio downstairs. Finally, I think somebody has seen my friend the turtle. But alas it's not to be. These people are getting all excited over a surfing dog. Or maybe it's a paddle board dog. Whatever!
So I watch the dog, and it's owner, wonder if the dog has the strength to swim to shore if his owner somehow get's whacked in the head by his paddle, close the sliding door and take and air conditioned nap. I hope my friend the turtle is taking cover from the excitement.
Dinner is late tonight, after 7. I watch the sun go down, always a special treat, and wander over to the Waikiki Beachwalk. I have eaten at Giovanni Pastrami's before. Decor wise it's generic wood, tile, booths, bar, servers, sports on multiple tv screens, etc. However they do a serviceable spaghetti with meatballs. The tomato sauce is earthy and a touch bitter and you pay $4 for two small meatballs. But they are handmade and you get the impression no accountant type sets foot in the kitchen to determine portioning or quality. I order a Kona Longboard but ask the waitress why it's listed under import beers on the alcohol menu. She's a bit baffled, and I get the impression the question, and the humour behind it, is lost on her as she says she's "not sure".

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